Registration Application "*" indicates required fields We sold out in 2023 so please register early for 2024. $140 Early Bird Registration ended 9/15/2024. Registration is now $150 Cancellations made 45 days or more in advance of the conference opening date will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made 30 days prior to the conference opening date will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations made within 14 days of the conference opening date will not receive a refund. This field is hidden when viewing the formLive Stream Attendance Only Yes, I'm Live Streaming the Event Please fill in all the fields below if you are attending in person or online. Purchaser Name*Purchaser Email* AttendeeAttendee's Name*Attendee's Email* Company*Attendee Title*Company Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State Zipcode Any Dietary Restrictions? None Vegetarian Vegan Gluten Free Allergies (Let us know in comments) Please contact for questions.Choose Your Preferred Payment Method* I'll pay by Credit Card Invoice Me and I'll Pay by Check Exhibitor/Sponsor Comp (Requires Approval) Checks should be mailed to: OREGON CONNECTIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE INC. Attn: Jim Teece 864 Neil Creek Road Ashland, OR 97520 Agreement* I agree to the code of conductEVENT CODE OF CONDUCTTo give all participants the opportunity to benefit from OCTC events and activities, OCTC is committed to providing a friendly, safe, supportive, and harassment-free environment for all event attendees and participants, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion or other group identity. This code of conduct outlines the OCTC expectations for all event attendees and participants, including all members, speakers, vendors, media representatives, commentators, exhibitors, sponsors, and volunteers. Cooperation is expected from everyone, and organizers will actively enforce this code throughout this event. Violations are taken seriously. All attendees, speakers, sponsors, vendors, partners, OCTC staff and volunteers at any OCTC virtual event and any related events are required to adhere to the following Code of Conduct. Event organizers will enforce this Code throughout the event. EXPECTED BEHAVIOROCTC expects event attendees and participants to communicate professionally and constructively, whether in person or virtually, handling dissent or disagreement with courtesy, dignity and an open mind, being respectful when providing feedback, and being open to alternate points of view. Likewise, OCTC expects that any sharing of information about the organization or any event attendees or participants via public communication channels be shared responsibly and in a way that clearly distinguishes individual opinion from fact. UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOROCTC does not tolerate harassment of event attendees or participants in any form. Harassment includes offensive verbal or written comments and negative behavior, either in real or virtual spaces, including those that are related to or are based upon gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, or other group identity. Harassment also includes display of sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events and unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any OCTC event venue, including talks, workshops, social gatherings and within social media channels. Sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, media representatives, commentators and activity organizers may not use sexualized language, images, activities, or other material, or otherwise create a sexualized environment. Registration to OCTC Live Stream entitles an individual attendee access to the live and archived content delivered through the event. Any attempt to share event access with others is strictly prohibited. Instances of login credentials will be monitored throughout the event and attendees may be ejected without refund if found to be in violation of this policy. CONSEQUENCES OF UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIORIf an attendee or participant, in either real or virtual space, engages in inappropriate, harassing, abusive or destructive behavior or language, event organizers will determine and carry out the appropriate course of action, including warning the offender, expulsion from the event without a refund and/or banning the offender from future OCTC events and activities. All participants are expected to observe these rules and behaviors in all event venues, including online venues and conference social events. Event participants seek to learn, network, and enjoy themselves in the process, free from any type of harassment. Please participate responsibly and with respect for the rights of others. WHAT TO DOIf you see someone behaving disrespectfully and feel safe and comfortable doing so, you are encouraged to discourage them from such behavior respectfully. If you do not feel safe, comfortable, or otherwise able to respond and resolve it respectfully, please immediately bring it to the attention of an OCTC Board or committee member. We want to hear from you about anything you feel is disrespectful or threatening. We will listen and work to resolve the matter.Registration* Price: $150 * Exhibitors, Sponsors and COMPs - please ignore the $ amount. We will reach out and confirm. Total If you choose to pay with credit card, you will be asked for credit card info below.Pay via Credit CardCard Details Cardholder Name Share this Facebook X LinkedIn Email