Online Sponsor Application

6/1/2024 - Please contact Jim Teece – - if you are interested in in exhibiting or a sponsorship and have any questions.



The Annual Oregon Connections Telecommunications Conference
Conference Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities


The Oregon Connections Telecommunications Conference Planning Committee invites you to add your voice to others who are actively involved in realizing Oregon’s telecommunications future. This fall will mark the twenty-seventh year of the Oregon Connections Telecommunications Conference, the only conference of its kind in Oregon that gathers telecommunications consortia, evangelists, service providers, policy makers, state and local governments and private sector businesses.

The Oregon Connections Telecommunications Conference is a popular statewide event where all of Oregon assembles to talk about broadband telecommunications.

To continue the success of the Oregon Connections Telecommunications Conference, we rely on the generous sponsorship of organizations and companies like yours to assure that we can offer a quality event at the lowest possible cost to participants, many of whom represent the public sector. Please consider supporting the conference through a sponsorship.

Exhibitor opportunities are also available. Our exhibit space is designed to be very interactive and will be located in high traffic areas for the conference.

Conference sponsorship and exhibitor information and application forms are provided here for your consideration. Should you need further information, please contact Jim Teece (text 541-227-8188) or at

Exhibitor space is limited, and the deadline for applications is October 1, 2024.
Early applications are very much appreciated.

We encourage you to consider this opportunity to show your support for broadband telecommunications in Oregon.

Please join us in Sunriver, Oregon for this year’s conference.

Sponsors should submit the signed application form and contribution no later than October 1, 2024 to facilitate inclusion in the printed conference program.

Please note: Any submission after 10/1/24 will be added to website and mentioned at the conference but due to printing deadlines may or may not be included in printed materials or on signs.

The Twenty-Seventh Annual Oregon Connections Telecommunications Conference Conference Sponsorship Application.

The Annual Oregon Connections Telecommunications Conference
Conference Sponsorship Application

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